Fan Yang visita ISSUP Brasil e Freemind

A ISSUP Brasil e o Freemind receberam, no dia 08 de março de 2023, a visita da Sra. Fan Yang*, Oficial de Relações Exteriores no Escritório de Programas e Políticas Globais do Bureau de Assuntos Internacionais de Entorpecentes e Execução da Lei do Departamento de Estado dos EUA – INL.

INL's Webinar Week

The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) presents the third annual event on partnering with the private sector to address the world drug problem. The private sector can play a major...

INL’s Webinar Week- Preventing Precursor Chemical Diversion

Event Date

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) presents the third annual event on partnering with the private sector to address the world drug problem.

The private sector can play a major role in preventing and combating the manufacture, diversion, sale, and misuse of drugs and precursors by mobilizing its unique resources, technologies, and expertise.