Reunião do ICUDDR – Consórcio Internacional de Universidades com representantes de Universidades e do Governo Brasileiro

O Freemind, entidade anfitriã da ISSUP no Brasil, durante o 6º Congresso Internacional Freemind, reuniu participantes de várias universidades brasileiras e representantes do Governo Federal para apresentar o Consórcio Internacional de Universidades para a Redução da Demanda de Drogas – ICUDDR, que faz parte da ISSUP Global e é muito importante para que se possa incentivar a pesquisa dentro das Universidades nesta área de drogadição.

ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire (CILAD) conducts National Trainings on the School Track Curriculum

The Comité Interministériel de Lutte Anti-Drogue (CILAD)[Interministerial Drug Control Coordinating Committee) and two trainers from its pool of national UPC trainers : Dr Badou Roger (GCCC Commissioner)- Dr KOUAKOU Issouf (ICAP Prevention UPC) conducted the first face-to-face training on the School Track : Prevention of Drug use in School settings from 29 July to 3 August 2024 (6 days).

ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire runs 2nd Session of UPC Training in Daloa

ISSUP Cote d'Ivoire in collaboration with ICUDDR conducted the second session of the UPC Curriculum training from 23rd to 31st August 2024. The training was held in the town of Daloa within the central west region of Côte d'Ivoire. 

The 24 participants can be see in the photo below wearing polo shirts with the logo of ISSUP in Côte d'Ivoire national branded colours. Whereas the teachers and researchers from the university are wearing polo-shirts with ICUDDR logos. 

Apply to become an ITTC Member

The International Technology Transfer Center (ITTC) is accepting applications for new members! ITTC is a global network dedicated to advancing technology and innovation. Through culturally and linguistically appropriate, cutting-edge...
ITTC network

ICUDDR Conference 2023

Dear ISSUP Members, the Annual ICUDDR took place August 9-11, 2023, at Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in partnership with Mahidol University. We had an exceptional opening with remarks from the US Consul General to Chiang Mai, Thailand and the Vice President of Chiang Mai University and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University.

ICUDDR Conference 2023

Event Date
Chiang Mai
Registration is now open for the ICUDDR Conference 2023!
ICUDDR Conference 2023