Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day originated in Canada with the first FASD Day taking place on 9th September 1999.
Since then the campaign has gathered global recognition with many countries now taking part in...
Calling for Volunteers for SPR Committees!
The Society for Prevention Research offers various opportunities for our members to help advance the mission and the strategic plan of the Society by getting involved in our committees.
SPR is now in the process of convening our...
Zaměření na mládežnický fotbal a alkohol
Zaostřeno na mládežnický fotbal a alkohol je společná iniciativa, jejímž cílem je omezit pití nezletilých a těžké epizodické pití mezi mladými lidmi, neboť obojí silně ovlivňuje zdraví a blahobyt evropského obyvatelstva.
Smoking Cessation Intervention for People with Severe Mental Illness
It is well documented that people with severe mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. Smoking reduces physical wellbeing and is a key modifiable risk factor for health inequality. Despite this...
Thailand Cigarette Packaging
One of the ways tobacco companies encourage people to purchase their products is through creating positive associations of brands. These include bright designs and symbols that quickly become familiar to potential customers. In a bid to...
Food and Addiction
The Journal of Eating and Weight Disorders has put together a topical collection on Food and Addiction.
The collection examines the mechanisms of addiction in relation to eating, gaming and substance use. It also covers research on...
Community Social Deprivation and Availability of Substance Use Treatment and Mutual Aid Recovery Groups
The spatial distribution of substance use services impacts their use, with greater access to services associated with more positive outcomes. Findings from availability of primary healthcare indicate service...
The Addiction Worker Training Project
Scottish Drug Forum’s award-winning training and employment project for people who have a history of drug or alcohol problems is looking for participants in Dumfries and Galloway.
The Addiction Worker Training Project (AWTP), run by...
National Trainers Trained on Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) 12 and 15 in Turkmenistan
From 15-21 July 2019 team of national trainers from Turkmenistan attended the National Training of Trainers held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
There were 12 representatives of drug dependence treatment service of the Ministry of Health of...
Středoasijští hlavní školitelé vyškolení na kurzech Advanced Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) 14 a 17
Od 23. do 31. července 2019 se tým hlavních školitelů ze Střední Asie zúčastnil regionálního školení školitelů pro Střední Asii, které se konalo v Dubaji ve Spojených arabských emirátech.
Školení bylo organizováno Colombo Plan Drug...
Participate in Online Survey: Experiences and Needs of Families of Former Members of the UK Armed Forces with Substance Use Problems
The University of York and Adfam would like to invite you to take part in the above-named research project. The project has research ethics approval from the University of York. It is funded by the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT).
Review of Methamphetamine Use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Research suggests methamphetamine use is higher amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders compared to non-Indigenous Australians.
The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the key information on the use of...
Tobacco Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Risks and Challenges
In recent years, the tobacco pandemic’s magnitude and trajectory has shifted away from high-income countries to low- and middle-income countries and so have the tobacco industry’s marketing efforts and tactics.
Research suggests that Sub...
Alcohol Use Disorders and the Heart
The negative impact of harmful substance use on societies physical and mental wellbeing is a global issue. Substance use disorders are associated with a significant disease burden.
In recognition of this, Addiction is initiating a new...
Alcohol Interventions in Secondary and Further Education
Alcohol use during the teenage years is related to a wide range of health and social problems. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has developed new guidelines to help schools and colleges when teaching their pupils about...
Dlouhodobé společné trajektorie užívání heroinu a využití léčby
V zemích po celém světě dochází k znepokojivému neustálému nárůstu úmrtí souvisejících s heroinem. Léčba je zřídka jednoduchá a často vyžaduje několik pokusů, než se člověk může zdržet používání nebo omezit jejich používání.
Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Young Adults
It is recognised that smoking and use of tobacco products among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) young adults is higher compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers.
Although it is believed that within the...
Select, Adapt, Evaluate - Violence Prevention Tool
Violence prevention approaches based on the best available evidence are those that have been rigorously evaluated in one or more research studies and found to impact intended outcomes.
Because each setting and each community is unique...
Pití v těhotenství: trvalé účinky užívání alkoholu na nízké úrovni?
Je obecně známo a akceptováno, že těžké pití během těhotenství může mít škodlivé účinky na vývoj nenarozeného dítěte. Co je méně pochopeno a co způsobuje nejistotu mezi veřejností, je dopad užívání alkoholu v těhotenství s nízkou hladinou.