Calling for Volunteers for SPR Committees!

The Society for Prevention Research offers various opportunities for our members to help advance the mission and the strategic plan of the Society by getting involved in our committees.

SPR is now in the process of convening our committees for the 2019-2020 term.

The majority of committee work is handled through monthly conference calls. Committee members then volunteer to work on specific projects to advance the goals and objectives of each committee. The chair of each committee will invite prospective volunteers to join committees based on the needs of each committee, space available and applicant interest.

The following committees are looking for volunteers:

  • Conference Program Planning Committee
  • The Prevention Science Advocacy Committee
  • Diversity Network Committee
  • Early Career Preventionists Network 
  • Fund Development Committee
  • International Committee
  • Member Communications Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Publications Committee
  • Recognition and Honors Committee
  • Training Committee