
"NAVCHETNA: A New Consciousness on Life Skills and Drug Education for School Children"

ISSUP India Chapter efficiently conducted a two-day training program for Master Trainers on the NAVCHETNA Module, held from 23rd to 24th January 2024 in Faridabad, Haryana, with support. The primary focus was to enhance awareness and provide education on life skills and drugs to students in schools. The initial training involved four separate batches comprising 120 teachers each.


Exploring Rehabilitation Innovations: Tihar Jail Officials Visit SPYM's Juvenile Drug-De-Addiction Center

On November 18, 2023, Mr. Sanjay Beniwal, the Director General of Tihar Jail, led a delegation, including the Deputy Inspector General and additional officials, in a visit to SPYM's Juvenile Drug-De-


An online event on 'A journey to Soberity - Campaign Against Substance Abuse'.

Mr. Subimal Banerjee, Project Coordinator for the Integrated


Dr. Rahul Gupta, ředitel ONDCP a úředníci velvyslanectví USA navštívili jedinečné centrum SPYM pro bezdomovce

Dne 21. listopadu 2023 navštívil Dr. Rahul Gupta, ředitel výkonné kanceláře prezidenta Úřadu pro národní protidrogovou politiku (ONDCP), ve spolupráci s profesorem Johnem a Garym B. Applegarthem, prvním tajemníkem pro politické záležitosti na velvyslanectví USA, osobité centrum De-Addiction cum Rehabilitation Center provozované společností SPYM. Toto centrum se zaměřuje na řešení potřeb bezdomovců a nachází se v těsné blízkosti Kotla Mubarakpur.


Intention to expand ISSUP India National Chapter

The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) National Chapter in India is looking for partner organisations in India.

A memorable day with distinguished guests! Hosting Bethany Kastrinsky from the U.S. Department of State, Robert Leventhal, and Mr. Aditya Phatak from the US Embassy in Delhi at our Juvenile Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Center.

On October 10, 2023, we had the privilege of hosting Robert Leventhal, Deputy Director of the INL Bureau Office of Global Crime Issues in Washington DC, along with Bethany Kastrinsky, Transnational Crime Program Advisor, Foreign Affairs Officer, Global Programs and Policy at the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State, and Mr. Aditya Phatak from the US Embassy in Delhi.


“NAVCHETNA: A new Consciousness on Life Skills and Drug Education for School Children”

ISSUP India Chapter has effectively organized a three-day training program for Master trainers on the NAVCHETNA Module from 04th - 06th October 2023 at SCERT, Delhi. The primary objective of this training was to enhance awareness and deliver education on life skills and drugs to students in schools. The training took place in two separate batches, with one batch conducted in English and the other in Hindi.


5 Days Training Programme on Skill Development for Counsellors working in Drug Rehabilitation Centres from 24th - 28th September 2023

The said training program is to enhance the capacity of service providers (Counsellors and Social Workers) primarily working in Drug Rehabilitation Centres in India.


"Třídenní vzdělávací program o prevenci a léčbě zneužívání drog pro ANM, GNM a ošetřovatelský personál IRCA"

Kapitola ISSUP Indie účinně provedla "Třídenní vzdělávací program o prevenci a léčbě zneužívání drog pro ANM, GNM a ošetřovatelský personál IRCA (Integrované rehabilitační centrum pro závislé" v centru SPYM v Novém Dillí od 4. do 6. září 2023. 


"Třídenní vzdělávací program o prevenci a léčbě zneužívání drog pro cílené intervenční funkcionáře"

Kapitola ISSUP Indie účinně provedla "Třídenní vzdělávací program o prevenci a léčbě zneužívání drog pro cílené intervenční funkcionáře" v centru SPYM v Novém Dillí od 31. srpna do 2. září 2023.


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