
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking - June 26, 2024

On June 26, 2024, ISSUP India commemorated the International Day Against


"NAVCHETNA: Nové povědomí o životních dovednostech a protidrogové výchově pro školní děti"

Indická pobočka ISSUP úspěšně provedla dvoudenní školicí program pro mistry školitele na modulu NAVCHETNA od 19. do 21. června 2024 v Kalkatě v Západním Bengálsku. Cílem programu bylo zvýšit povědomí a vzdělávání studentů škol v oblasti životních dovedností a protidrogové prevence. Zúčastnilo se ho asi 10 nevládních organizací, které vyškolily více než 30 učitelů, poradců, sociálních pracovníků a programových manažerů.


Embracing Wellness: International Yoga Day Celebration

On International Yoga Day, the women at the ISSUP India-managed Drug De-


Visit to ISSUP India by USA professional delegation led by the President of NAADAC

On 01st May 2024, a professional delegation of thirteen Led by Angela E Maxwell, President of National Association for


Five Days Orientation Program on Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC)

ISSUP India has recently concluded a comprehensive five-day orientation program on the Universal



We are pleased to announce the upcoming Orientation Programme on UTC (Universal Training Curriculum) for Drug



We are pleased to announce the upcoming Orientation Programme on UPC (Universal Prevention Curriculum) for NGOs, scheduled to take place from March 29th to 31st, 2024, in New Delhi.


Panelová diskuze Zoom na téma "Ženy v SUD Recovery"

Připojte se k nám na panelovou diskusi Zoom na téma "Ženy v zotavení SUD" na oslavu Mezinárodního dne žen s Women in Recovery.


Visit of US Congressional Staffers to SPYM/ISSUP India

On February 25th, a delegation comprising seven congressional staffers from the United States paid a visit to SPYM/ISSUP India in New Delhi for discussions regarding drug policies and related challenges in India. This visit was facilitated by the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) based in Washington D.C.


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