
The first session of ISSUP Nigeria's Knowledge Update Series will focus on experience and challenges in delivering drug demand reduction interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic, capacity building on evidence-based substance abuse prevention and treatment interventions, and the way forward.
A dependência química vem mobilizando o sistema de saúde e ganhando visibilidade devido à complexidade na solução desse problema. Um número considerável de pessoas residentes em centros urbanos, tanto no Brasil, como no mundo, consome de forma abusiva substâncias psicoativas.
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) would like to share its intention to establish a National Chapter in Greece.
Con mucho gusto participaremos de la Tercera Jornada Virtual de Capacitación para los Servicios de Tratamiento para problemas por consumo de drogas, en Oaxaca, México. Haz clic aquí para inscribirte.
On behalf of ISSUP Pakistan and Mr. Bashir Ahmad Naz, President of ISSUP Pakistan, I would like to share, once again, that during the Month of June, 2020 four great personalities of Pakistan and our beloved ISSUP Members left us for heaven. They were all valuable contributors to the field of substance use disorder, education and mental health. They will always be remembered.
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) would like to share its intention to establish a National Chapter in the United Kingdom.
Diplomatura en abordaje integral de los consumos problemáticos de drogas UMSA – ISSUP Argentina
Background: The COVID 19 pandemic globally has had a devastating negative impact especially in low income countries like Uganda who have fragile health system and can’t manage many cases. Governments declared lockdown and everything stood at stand still for over 75 days. Children and their families depending on small informal business closed, capital eaten up and didn’t know what to happen next.
On the 20th June, 2020, a monthly meeting of ISSUP members from District and Youth Forum Pakistan's Team Sialkot  was organised by ISSUP Pakistan and Youth Forum Pakistan to discuss the implementation of upcoming events. During the meeting social distancing and other SOPs were strictly followed to prevent  COVID-19.
Coronavirus / Covid-19 đã phát triển thành một trong những căn bệnh đáng lo ngại nhất, vì nó nhanh chóng tiến triển thành đại dịch trong một thời gian rất ngắn. Nó đã gây ra thiệt hại lớn cho nền kinh tế.