This piece of content is not translated in Urdu. View the original content in انگریزی here. First name Last name Country Gender Male Female Other Unknown Age 18-24 25-34 35-50 50+ Email address Email address Repeat email address WhatsApp including country code Job title Please choose the best option that describes you: Academia Advocate / community leader Counselling Facility Coordination Healthcare International organization staff Law Officials / Judicial Policy maker / Government Program administrator Recovery support Nursing Outreach Psychology Social Work Student Other, specify Enter other… Do you provide non-clinical recovery support services directly to persons in recovery check all that apply Recovery support professional affiliated with a treatment or recovery program Independent recovery coach Volunteer recovery support professional with community-based organization Other If you do not work directly with patients providing recovery support services, how do you support and advocate for recovery in your community As a wellness advocate In my profession (i.e. as a law enforcement officer, teacher, physician, pastor, etc.) As a recovery educator for policy makers in government and civil society As a volunteer in a community-based recovery advocacy group Other check all that apply Do you identify as In recovery from substance use disorder A recovery ally Both a person in recovery and a recovery ally Prefer not to answer Note: The answer to this question will not be shared by name. Have you received recovery support services training, for example, the Universal Recovery Curriculum (URC) from the Colombo Plan or othe kinds of formal training that promotes an evidence-based understanding of recovery and the need for recovery management and support services? URC PEERS URC ALLIES Other, please specify name of training and training provider Enter other… Why do you want to be part of the Global Recovery Network? I want basic training in recovery (e.g. URC Peers or Allies). I want training on specialized topics in recovery (e.g. setting boundaries, self-care for peers or allies in recovery, working with marginalized populations, etc.). I want to network with peers and allies to promote and strengthen recovery. I want to learn how to better advocate within my profession/community. I want to impact recovery-related public policy. I want to stay up to date on recovery-related resarch. Other, please specify: Enter other… As a condition of membership, please sign the two acknowledgment statements below: I acknowledge that I have read GRN's mission, vision, and value statements. GRN Vision Statement: The transformative power of recovery is recognized, promoted, celebrated, and delivered without barriers, limitations, or stigma. GRN Mission Statement: The Global Recovery Network provides a platform for members to build and reinforce recovery capital through the pursuit of lifelong learning, to forge and maintain connections to support each other, and to advance the understanding and practice of recovery throughout the world. GRN Values Statement: The value of recovery is evident and undeniable – recovery empowers individuals to reach their full potential through connectedness, hope, and purpose, and has a long-term positive effect on families and communities. I acknowledge that I have read GRN's definition of recovery. Recovery from alcohol and other substance use disorders is an active voluntary process and a health outcome. Recovery is an individual’s continual growth that most often involves support networks, and that builds recovery capital to address the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual disturbances that characterize substance use disorders. Recovery is an ongoing process of growth to achieve the outcome of a substance-free life which allows an individual to reach their full potential. Leave this field blank