The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 13 – “Contingency Management: A Reinforcement Based Treatment” which took place in person in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 27-29 July 2022. This course is a part of the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders (UTC training package).
The twenty (20) members of the national team of trainers from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan attended the training delivered by the team of UTC Regional Master Trainers.
“Building on human resources trained already on...
ISSUP Kazakhstan presented the Third Webinar in the Series on New Psychoactive Substances, with a focus on Black market and policy of new psychoactive substances in the Asia region.
The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) is seeking expressions of interest from experts in the field of alternatives to incarceration and social integration to be trained as Master Trainers for the delivery of the Case Care Management curriculum internationally. Upon successful completion of the Training of Trainers, these Master Trainers will be included on the Case Care Management roster of trainers and can be contacted to deliver the training when scheduled. If interested, please submit your resume and relevant...
ای یو ایس پی آر 2022 کو یہ اعلان کرتے ہوئے خوشی ہے کہ 13 ویں ای یو ایس پی آر کانفرنس 29 اور 30 ستمبر 2022 کو ٹالن، ایسٹونیا میں منعقد ہوگی ، جس میں ورکشاپوں اور پروجیکٹ میٹنگوں کو پری کانفرنس ڈے ، 28 ستمبر کے لئے شیڈول کیا گیا ہے۔
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is starting very soon! In fact, tomorrow, Monday, 14 March 2022.
Once again, all sessions, as well as the side events, are to be held online due to the pandemic. The good thing about that means that, you can still follow the plenaries and the side events! That’s why we thought that you might appreciate having all the links in one place.
Hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial designs have become increasingly prevalent in implementation research. As hybrid designs enter their second decade of widespread use, the Frontiers in Health Services’ Implementation Science section launches a Research Topic to fuel the field’s discourse on the past, present, and future of hybrid designs in knowledge translation. Submissions are welcome of both Original and/or Brief Research, Review, Methods, and Perspective articles. The call addresses critical assessments of hybrid designs, innovative use of hybrid designs in current trials, and...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 1 February 2022
نومبر، دسمبر اور جنوری کے مہینوں کے دوران ، آئی ایس ایس یو پی کے قومی چیپٹرز ترجیحات ، تحقیق ، تعاون کے مواقع اور اگلے مئی میں ابوظہبی ، متحدہ عرب امارات میں ہماری آنے والی کانفرنس اور ورکشاپ پر تبادلہ خیال کرنے کے لئے ورچوئل طور پر اکٹھے ہوئے۔
13-14 December 2021 UNODC/WHO Regional Workshop on the International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders (DUD) was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in hybrid format. 25 policymakers from Central Asia and high-level officials from Ministry of Health and other relevant ministries involved in policy development, planning, funding, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of treatment services and interventions for DUD attended the event. This UNODC/WHO workshop aimed to inform through sharing the International Standards for the Treatment of DUD (2020), the regional and national level...
The abstract submission deadline EXTENDED! Abstract submissions for our event taking place online and in person in Abu Dhabi: 11-16th May, 2022 has been extended to 31st October! Find out more about the event and submit your abstract:
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 9 September 2021
ICUDDR, INL, ISSUP and NRC are partnering to host a global in person and online event from 11th – 16th May 2022 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. We welcome abstract submissions for sub-plenary and poster presentations at the event. DEADLINE EXTENDED!
The Annual Meeting will be held on March 2-5 2022, and is currently scheduled to take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Center in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The SRNT 2022 Annual Meeting may be a hybrid (part in person, part virtual) or entirely virtual, depending on how things play out in the coming months. A final decision about the meeting format (face-to-face hybrid virtual component vs. entirely virtual) will not be made for some time. In the meantime, attendees should not hesitate to submit for fear of being unable to travel. Rest assured that the meeting, no matter the...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 25 June 2021
Published by / Citation
Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2021 provides an in-depth analysis of the global drug markets and paints a comprehensive picture of the measurable effects and potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world drug problem.
27 اپریل2021ء, یو این او ڈی سی کے علاقائی دفتر برائے وسطی ایشیا ء نے جمہوریہ ازبکستان میں منشیات پر انحصار کے علاج اور ایچ آئی وی کی روک تھام کی خدمات کے ذمہ دار جمہوریہ اور علاقائی سطح کے ماہرین کے لئے ایک تربیتی سیمینار کا انعقاد کیا۔ قومی تربیت کا بنیادی مقصد سرکاری اور غیر سرکاری تنظیموں کی استعداد کار میں اضافہ کرنا تھا جو ایچ آئی وی اور ایچ سی وی کی روک تھام کے پروگراموں کو نافذ کرتے ہیں تاکہ ان لوگوں کے لئے مؤثر ثبوت پر مبنی خدمات فراہم کی جا سکیں جو نئے نفسیاتی مادوں (این پی ایس) اور محرکات کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
ورکشاپ کے افتتاح کے موقع پر یو این او ڈی سی کے پروگرام کوآرڈینیٹر جناب...
4 مارچ 2021، زوم ٹیلی کانفرنس پلیٹ فارم کے ذریعے قازقستان میں ہائی رسک منشیات کے استعمال پر سروے کے آغاز پر آن لائن مشاورت ہوئی۔
جمہوریہ قازقستان میں سرکاری ، غیر سرکاری اسٹیک ہولڈرز اور بین الاقوامی تنظیموں کے 25 سے زیادہ نمائندوں ، بشمول وزارت صحت ، وزارت داخلہ ، ریپبلکن مینٹل ہیلتھ سینٹر ، قازق نیشنل سینٹر آف ڈرماٹولوجی اینڈ انفیکشن ڈیزیز ، جنرل پراسیکیوٹر آفس کی لاء انفورسمنٹ اکیڈمی ، غیر سرکاری تنظیمیں ، تحقیقی ادارے ، ایڈز ، تپ دق اور ملیریا سے لڑنے کے لئے عالمی فنڈ ، ڈبلیو ایچ او، یو این ایڈز اور یو این او ڈی سی سروے کے تصور پر تبادلہ خیال کرنے کے لئے ایک ورچوئل ٹیبل کے ارد گرد جمع...
Every morning, Dr. Lilia Muzaffarova walks to work at the Tashkent City Narcological Dispensary. During her walk regardless of the season, Lilia admires the beauty of nature, which she loves very much, and also gazes into the faces of passers-by, some - happy, some - sad and full of worries, which makes her mind wonder how many people she can help to find harmony in their families today. Dr. Muzaffarova is the Head of the adolescent department of the narcological dispensary, she works on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of drug addiction among youngsters and adolescents which makes her well...