
Today on 18th September, 2020 Mr. Bashir Ahmad Naz President of ISSUP Pakistan Chapter had meeting with Directors of ISSUP Pakistan and Members also distributed ICAP Certificates among Candidates who passed ICAP Exam held at Pakistan along with Senior Advisor CPDAP at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore.
Demand reduction, prevention, and effective treatment services – based on robust epidemiological evidence of substance use across Africa - seen as vital solutions to Africa's growing drug problem.
Free Learning Opportunity! ''ONE DAY TRAINING WORKSHOP ON COUNSELLING SKILLS'' (Motivational Interviewing , Self-Disclosure) is going to be Conduct by Dr. Rehab Clinic International and Youth Form Pakistan in Collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan, Nishan Rehab Islamabad and Subhan Medical Center Trust on 27th September, 2020 at Doctors Rehab Clinic Intl. Banigala Islamabad-Pakistan.
Lunes 5 de octubre a las 19:30 saat. vía Zoom.   A propósito de la reciente publicación del artículo Şili'de alkol politikası: politika gelişmeleri ve değerlendirmelerinin sistematik bir incelemesi, en la revista Bağımlılık, el Grupo de Adicciones de SONEPSYN junto a ISSUP Şili, han invitado al Dr.
On Wednesday 23rd September, ISSUP Ukraine and ISSUP Kazakhstan would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on "New Challenges in Treatment Addictions: Experience of Ukraine and Kazakhstan".
On Wednesday 23rd September, ISSUP Ukraine and ISSUP Kazakhstan would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on "New Challenges in Treatment Addictions: Experience of Ukraine and Kazakhstan".
23 Eylül Çarşamba günü, ISSUP Ukrayna ve ISSUP Kazakistan sizi "Tedavi Bağımlılıklarında Yeni Zorluklar: Ukrayna ve Kazakistan Deneyimi" konulu Web Seminerine katılmaya davet ediyor.
Media has today become the voice of our society. Media is the reflection of our society and it depicts what and how society works. It also helps in entertaining the public, educate and make people aware of the current happenings. There is a variety of media platform that has stimulated the thoughts of the young generation and other sections of our society, more eloquently.
2020 Uluslararası Gençlik Günü temasıyla yönlendirilen "Küresel Eylem için Gençlik Katılımı", Kuchlak Refah Derneği, Quetta-Belucistan, Gençlik Forumu Pakistan (Uyuşturucu Kullanımını Önleme İçin), ISSUP Pakistan Bölümü ve Narkotikle Mücadele Gücü Baluchistan ile işbirliği içinde, 14 Ekim 2020 tarihinde Quetta-Pakistan'da Quetta, PTV Hali Yolu Karşısındaki Boys Scout'ta "Belucistan Gençlik Kongresi" düzenleyecek.
El pasado jueves 3 de septiembre, se realizó el 2° encuentro de intercambio y fortalecimiento de la red de equipos técnicos de unidades penales (donde los problemas vinculados al consumo de sustancias afectan a un porcentaje importante de la población), que hemos conformado desde ISSUP Argentina.