ISSUP Panama

Welcome to ISSUP Panama

We are part of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) which is an organization that supports the development of a network of professionals addressing prevention, treatment and recovery. Being an international reference for information on the field of drug demand reduction.

ISSUP Panama emerged in 2023, as an initiative of a group of professionals from various organizations that are dedicated to the development of prevention, treatment and reintegration programs for people with psychoactive substance use problems. As a national chapter we will contribute to evidence-based training and continuous education, thus consolidating a strengthened network of specialists. In that sense, this chapter will establish spaces that integrate professionals, organizations, universities and all civil society actors who work on the prevention, treatment and reintegration of people with problems related to the use of psychoactive substances.

We have a coordination team that will be in charge of planning, organization and direction, thereby ensuring adequate communication so that the information arrives in a timely and correct manner, as well as the efficient management of economic resources.

ISSUP Panama has a host organization: Cruz Blanca Panameña

“Cruz Blanca Panameña” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded on June 24, 1986 and has approved legal status and complies with all laws for its operation within the Panamanian Republic. The objectives are directed towards the development of programs for the prevention and treatment of addictions, being a reference in the country, as it is the first institution to work on the subject.

Together with the host organization we have a group of supporting organizations such as Panalfalit, the Ecumenical Committee of Panama and various professionals from all areas who have vast experience in evidence-based programs.

ISSUP Panama has as its Mission, Vision and objectives:


Contribute at the national level to establish a network of professionals who work on the prevention, treatment and recovery of substance usage with scientific bases and who are continually updated.


To be a network of prevention, treatment and recovery professionals who develop, promote and are a reference point for evidence-based programs at a national and international level.


• Create a space that brings together professionals and entities that work nationally on issues related to research, prevention, and treatment related to the consumption of psychoactive substances.

• Develop and offer training courses in prevention and treatment of the use of psychoactive substances based on evidence.

• Promote that educational centers, universities, and faith communities have professionals with skills in the prevention and treatment of substance use based on evidence.

• Promote and motivate the existence of addiction treatment centers with Specialists who have the skills in programs based on scientific evidence.

• Support initiatives that arise in the community, in relation to the prevention and treatment of substance use that require advice or training.

We invite professionals who develop actions in the prevention and treatment of the use of psychoactive substances to be part of the chapter and, therefore, of this international network.

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