Kiragu Victor Muthoga

Anti Drug Project

Kiragu Victor Muthoga - 17 September 2019

Hello guys,drugs in Kenya and in particularly Central region are continually increasing.from children in the primary schools to adult's. Due to this I have decided to come up with project with which will help fight against this. The project will be aimed at:

1. Reducing.In this stage we shall be engaging the people who are not yet into the drugs.they shall be impacted with the dangers of getting into the drugs.we shall also have the group which is already into drugs and stop them from drug usage. The youth's and children in school are people with whom can be saved easily hence they are the people with whom we shall start with and then move to the community. They then shall be one of our campaign components since they are part of the community 

2.Rehabilitating.In this stage we shall have the people already into drugs undergoing counseling and also help those already addicted out 

3. Prevention.Here we shall be aiming at ensuring people don't get into drugs .This shall be done by been on the look out for peddlers not to get to the people and for the people not to get to peddlers. This is very possible and be done through the Nyumba kumi where by within a group of ten households they are aware of each other. Secondly is by working with security firms whereby the peddlers are arrested and are taken through process 1

4. Job provision for the reformed.Most of the people get into drugs due to lack of jobs, money to pay and cater for their families. When jobs are provided to this people there will be advantages to us the Anti Drug fighters

a the people mind will be occupied hence no time for drugs

b we shall be able to monitor them easily and guide them till they are fully rehabilitated

c the  people shall be able to provide for their families and unto themselves

d more and more people shall be pulled together to come and get help for the addicts 


Am looking for people with whom we can make this be an achievement. There maybe something not applicable and some others which are applicable hence let's all team up and bring ideas