
Drinking Trends of Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training: A Qualitative Study

Shared by Livia - 2 May 2019
Originally posted by Edie - 2 May 2019
"For a group described as NEET and already socially and economically isolated, the removal of a community of drinkers potentially removes the one group to which they could belong, increasing isolation and potential mental health problems."

Recent trends both in the UK and also more widely in an international context suggest underage drinking is declining amongst young people. However, it is believed some groups of young people are not following this trend.

A recent study has analysed the drinking trends of young people not in...

Abel Pérez León

Además en la mayoría de las ocasiones el consumo de alcohol en jóvenes es el inicio de consumo de otras sustancias como la marihuana, cocaína, cigarrillo en américa Latina.