Team_Ghana (Project CATA)

CLEMENT BOFA-OPPONG - 1 February 2019

We believe social media is a very powerful tool and medium of sending our message of preventing the Early exposure to tramadol Abuse by young people in Ghana. 

Campaign Against Tramadol Abuse(CATA) is a youth led passionate initiative and project, aimed to champion the course of preventing the early exposure to tramadol Abuse by young people in Ghana

Let's get more interactive on social media

_Follow us on our social media handles and like our respective pages##_

Visit Us on *FACEBOOK* @

Follow us on *INSTAGRAM* @ cata_project

Follow us on *TWITTER* Campaign Against Tramadol Abuse (@Project_CATA):

Visit our *WEBSITE* on

You can *EMAIL* us on: *catagh34 [at] gmail [dot] com*


_Together we can prevent the early exposure to tramadol Abuse by young people in Ghana._




# Project_CATA
