Eight Ps in Addiction Treatment (8Ps)
Rafi Khawar
- 14 October 2022
- *Eight Ps in *Addiction* *Treatment*
*Rafi* *khawar**
*1*Person*** with
Substance use disorder .
*Continued use *Harmful consequences
*2 Profile*
Complete assessment and diagnoses
*3 Planning*
What should be done?
*4 Product*
*Physiological consideration.
*Psycho Education
*Process of Complete Rehabilitation
*5 Package*
Cost, accessibility and availability of product.
*6 Purchasing*
Wether the person is recieving the product,His willingness,Readiness to change .
*7 Professional* *Competence*
Knowledge,skills and experience in profession .
*8 Progress*
Positive and desired Outcome