Rafi Khawar

Negativity or Coping mechanism

Rafi Khawar - 7 October 2022

Negativity or Coping  mechanism
Rafi khawar 
Disease of Addiction is complicated to understand by people due to its deep-rooted ness.
Patient revolves around this mechanism to satisfy cravings,urges by any means.He beaks every thing,promises,
rules,laws,social obligations and innocent hearts of his family members.
Any person who needs breaths to survive,will manage breaths at any cost and will not see the rules,laws or tears and cries of family.
He will not care about his responsibilities or social obligations..He has to survive only by taking breath..
In Addiction,Drug is like a breath for a person taking it compulsively.He feels himself in a pickle without drug.
People on other side make different point of view because they are watching breakage of Rules,
Rights of others
and Relationships.
These Five Rs induce Negativity in thier minds and they project it .They lable an patient as Negative person of society and family.They focus on his Correction by addressing his faults instead of treating disease.
They adopt moral ,religious models for his patient to make him a positive human being.
They waste their energy,time and money regardlessly.
Only solution is ..professional way to treat,to get education,support and therapeutic interventions.