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Justus kigotho Mauti

Local brew abyse

Justus kigotho Mauti -

Each and everyone of us is aware of the local brew that is prepared without any health standards commonly referred to as "changaa" and "busaa". Many people are into this drink which is prepared in a very questionable environment and procedures involved. Some end in coma when they take this brew, young and from average families are abusing this drug.

Persons responsible to curb this menace ain't working because it has been turned to cash for some few local government personel who collect few coins from those who make and sell this brew. Our young generation is being lured into this intoxicating brew which has some youths to drop out of school to do cheap contracts to buy a glass of it which costs ksh.100. I have tangible information from my home county and young energetic generation that should be developing the nation are perishing. We need to change the way we handle this brew as Kenyans before we lose our nation to dogs just because our productive age is missing in action to build the nation.