Karen Belanger

World Drug Day Theme Supports Parents in the Workplace

Karen Belanger - 21 July 2021

On the occasion of this year’s recent World Drug Day that was themed “Share Facts On Drugs. Save Lives.”, we are reminded that workers who are parents, grandparents, or other caregivers to children can positively enhance their own career and personal workplace experience through positive parenting at home. Employers who acknowledge and support the parental role can enrich the working environment and boost employee morale benefitting everyone.


Miwa  Kato, Director of the Operations Division at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) shared some thoughts on the significance of the World Drug Day commemoration.


Ms. Kato said, "[The theme] accentuates the importance of trustworthy, scientific information that influences health choices, especially those that may impact drug use and decisions to participate in effective prevention activities or seek treatment services."


She was also asked about how the UNODC's ‘Listen First’ program can support the healthy growth and well-being of children and youth, and responded, "Parents and families are powerful protective factors in the lives of children and youth, and research confirms that there is a link between parenting style and children’s behaviour, educational results, mental and physical health, and alcohol and drug use. Children who receive positive attention and support from their parent or caregiver from an early age grow more confident, less anxious, and are less likely to develop mental health issues and engage in risky behaviors. Being warm, loving, and responsive are some of the most important actions parents can take to help their children’s development.


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