Association of Cigarette Type Initially Smoked With Suicidal Behaviors Among Adolescents in Korea From 2015 to 2018
Key Points
Question Is the type of cigarette initially smoked associated with suicidal behaviors among adolescents in Korea?
Findings In this cross-sectional study of 255 887 Korean adolescents who participated in the nationwide Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey from 2015 to 2018, those who used electronic cigarettes when they started smoking had a higher risk of suicidal behavior than did those who used conventional cigarettes when they started smoking. Adolescents who changed from using electronic cigarettes to conventional cigarettes were more likely to exhibit suicidal behaviors than were those who changed from using conventional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes.
Meaning In this study, initial cigarette type was associated with suicidal behaviors among adolescents, which may have implications for public health policies and educational programs regarding electronic cigarette use.