Why Cessation is a Vital Part of Tobacco Policy
Join Laurent Huber, ASH Executive Director, to discuss “Why Cessation is a Vital Part of Tobacco Policy.” We will hear from expert panelists including Linda Bailey, President and CEO of the North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC), who will open the webinar by presenting their latest data on the drop in calls to U.S. quitlines in 2020. Dr. Robert Totanes, Technical Officer on Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organization, will then discuss the Global NCD Business Plan and Investment Case for Tobacco Cessation. We will close with Martin Raw, Director of the International Centre for Tobacco Cessation and Visiting Professor at New York University School of Global Public Health, who will discuss the key points from his new joint cessation report with ASH and how cessation can be quickly incorporated into our COVID-19 local responses.