Research Into Action: Perception of Harm from E-Cigs and Support for a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
CADCA invited Dr. Matthew Rossheim, of George Mason University, Department of Global and Community Health to discuss his article, “Aerosol, vapor, or chemicals? College student perceptions of harm from electronic cigarettes and support for a tobacco-free campus policy”, which was published in Journal of American College Health in 2020. Dr. Rossheim presented on perception of harm of exposure to secondhand e-cigarettes and how substance misuse prevention coalitions can frame their health communication campaigns to influence public opinion on risk perception and policy options.
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Perception of Harm from E-Cigs and Support for a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy indicates that the majority of college students perceive e-cigarettes to be less harmful than traditional cigarettes and that they support the implementation of a tobacco-free campus policy. This research suggests that strategies to reduce tobacco use on college campuses should include educational campaigns focused on the potential harms of e-cigarettes and initiatives to promote smoke-free policies. Additionally, the research suggests that tobacco-free policies should be implemented in order to protect the wellbeing of all students and provide a healthier environment for learning and working.