Webinar he Role of Communities in Improving the Quality of Life for People with HIV

ISSUP Indonesia National Chapter and ITTC Indonesia proudly announce a collaborative effort to host a Joint Webinar on the pivotal topic, "Peran Komunitas dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Orang dengan HIV" (The Role of Communities in Improving the Quality of Life for People with HIV).

Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023

Time: 15.30 – 17.00 WIB

Registration:  https://bit.ly/ISSUP-ITTC-HAS23 (Until 14 December 2023)


  1. dr. Nurlan Silitonga, M.Med (Angsamerah Foundation)
  2. Timotius Hadi (Jaringan Indonesia Positif)
  3. Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste SpKJ(K) (Dept. of Psychiatry RSCM-FKUI)

This webinar aims to shed light on the vital role that communities play in enhancing the quality of life for individuals living with HIV. The distinguished speakers, each an expert in their field, will share valuable insights, experiences, and strategies for community involvement and support.

Join Us!