
UTC Self-Led Courses Available in English & Spanish!

Community update
Expand your knowledge of #treatment and #prevention for substance use disorders - Sign Up today for a UTC self-led course. UTC Courses 1-4 & 6-8 are now available in English & Spanish. Click here for more information:

GCCC Website Now Available in 5 Languages

The Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification now offers their website in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Russian. This will make all of the information on our ICAP credentials and the application process more accessible...

Congratulations to Kenya ICAP Credentialed Professionals

Congratulations to 39 candidates who passed their ICAP exams last month! Kenya leads the world in ICAP credentialed professionals with over 230! GCCC commends all of them for their dedication and passion to the field of Addiction Treatment.

Congratulations to New ICAP-Credentialed Professionals

We are proud to announce the results of recent ICAP exams: 17 people from Tunisia and 20 people from Cameroon recently passed the ICAP I exam. 5 people from Abu Dhabi passed the ICAP II exam and 4 of this year's Humphrey Fellows passed the...

NAADAC Free Webinar Series

NAADAC is happy to offer free addiction-specific education through its Free Webinar Series. The 2019 Free Webinar Series releases two live webinars per month, which are then captured and made available for future viewing in NAADAC's Free On...