
Evento SONEPSYN / ISSUP Chile: Chemsex

Event Date
Este lunes 11 de julio, a las 20:00 hrs. se realizará la reunión académica del Grupo de Trabajo de Adicciones de Sonepsyn, junto a ISSUP-Chile.

Chemsex: More than just Sex & Drugs

Supporting a friend, partner, or family member affected by problematic alcohol or drug use can be difficult. Adfam has released a new resource to inform and providing advice on how to look after your wellbeing and as well as that of your...

Chemsex: An Emergent Phenomenon

Scientific article
Chemsex is the term given to the intentional use of psychoactive drugs in order to maintain sexual relations between men who have sex with men (MSM), usually for long periods of time and with multiple partners. This phenomenon has also been...