
On the 21st of November 2023, Dr. Rahul Gupta, the Director of the Executive Office of the President at the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), in collaboration with Professor John and Gary B Applegarth, the First Secretary of Political Affairs at the US Embassy, paid a visit to the distinctive De-
At the beginning of November, ISSUP and ISSUP Kenya attended the 25th Annual Congress of the International Society of
Civil society came together on Wednesday, 15th November at the Gran Hotel del Paraguay, Asunción, to articulate effective strategies, not only to prevent addictions but also in defense of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents.
Desde el año 2015, cada último sábado de noviembre, sorganamos la Jornada en Adicciones a cargo del Grupo de Investigación Psicología de las Adicciones y Comportamientos de riesgo.
Los invitamos este miércoles 15 de noviembre 2023, de 8:30 hrs a 11:30 al seminario internacional sobre prevención de adicciones en el ámbito escolar desde la perspectiva de la ciencia.  Transmisión en vivo desde:
The past year has been one of tremendous success for the ISSUP Philippine Chapter, which has demonstrated notable growth, recognition, and impact in the short time since our establishment. In that time, we committed ourselves to building strong relationships with the Philippine government and many other organizations, both domestic and international.
In our latest newsletter, we're thrilled to introduce "Prevention Lists", a new addition to our suite of Professional Development resources.
Вена ҮЕҰ Есірткі жөніндегі комитетінің «Ад-Хок Азия-Тынық мұхиты» жұмыс тобы Сізді
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) National Chapter in India is looking for partner organisations in India.
2023 жылғы 26 қазанда ҚСжАЕК Жалпы ұлттық тараулар отырысын өткізді. Бұл кездесу онлайн режимінде өтіп, ISSUP ұлттық тарауларына екі жылдық шақырудың бір бөлігін қалыптастырды.