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The ISSUP activities funded by the U.S. Department of State are temporarily suspended.
This website will remain live, but ISSUP is not currently monitoring or updating it. No new membership applications will be accepted or reviewed, no posts or comments will be possible, and members cannot login.
This information will be updated with any change in circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.

Rasha Abi Hana

Call for Abstracts: Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco

Shared by Rasha Abi Hana -
Originally posted by Rasha Abi Hana -

L'incontro annuale si terrà dal 2 al 5 marzo 2022 ed è attualmente in programma presso l'Edinburgh International Conference Center di Edimburgo, in Scozia.  

L'incontro annuale SRNT 2022 può essere ibrido (in parte di persona, in parte virtuale) o interamente virtuale, a seconda di come andranno le...