WHO stakeholder survey on improving access to morphine for medical use
WHO launched a survey on assessing barriers, enablers, and pirority actions for improving access to morphine for medical use.
All Civil Society Organisation can contribute by filling out the survey before 31 August 2022.
The survey...
Improving equity and access to buprenorphine treatment through telemedicine at syringe services programs
In the United States, access to buprenorphine remains low and disparities regarding who receives treatment have emerged. Federal laws have regulated buprenorphine delivery, ultimately limiting its implementation more broadly...
The effects of opioid policy changes on transitions from prescription opioids to heroin, fentanyl and injection drug use: a qualitative analysis
Beginning in the 1990s, non-medical use of prescription opioids (POs) became a major public health crisis. In response to rising rates of opioid dependence and fatal poisonings, measures were instituted to decrease the...
Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises: Settings in need of care for a comprehensive drug use prevention in Nigeria
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria (Sesi Ketiga Belas)
ISSUP Nigeria ingin mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri Webinar Dua Bulanan berikutnya dalam Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan. Topik Webinar adalah Beyond Dependence: Alcohol-induced Disorders.
Capaian Pembelajaran:
• Kepekaan terhadap...
Mengobati penggunaan zat yang terjadi bersama dan gangguan kesehatan mental menggunakan alat dari CBT
Disampaikan oleh Jo Cassar (The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney), pada akhir webinar ini, peserta akan dapat:
- Mengakui pentingnya menilai penggunaan zat ketika klien mengalami...
Eating disorders and AOD use: what clinicians need to know
Presented by Associate Professor Sarah Maguire (Director, InsideOut Institute), by attending this webinar, attendees will learn:
- How to recognise the most common eating disorder symptoms;
- Eating disorder interventions and how...
Kenya akan memasukkan obat berhenti merokok sebagai obat esensial
Kementerian Kesehatan telah disarankan untuk menambahkan dua obat non-nikotin ke Daftar Obat-obatan Esensial Kenya, untuk membantu perokok berhenti merokok dan kecanduan nikotin.
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia mengatakan kedua obat itu...
Berbagai kerugian dan penggunaan zat yang terjadi bersama dan kondisi kesehatan mental.
Penggunaan zat dan kebutuhan kesehatan mental adalah dua kekhawatiran utama bagi banyak orang yang mengalami banyak kerugian. Kami tahu bahwa orang-orang yang mengalami kedua masalah pada saat yang sama (juga dikenal sebagai "kondisi yang...
The impact of discrimination on substance use disorders among sexual minorities
This paper aimed to review the literature regarding the impact of discrimination on substance use disorders among Sexual Minorities, with a focus on alcohol, opioids, stimulants, polydrug use, chemsex, cannabis and tobacco, as well as...
Risiko kardiovaskular dan manfaat dari obat-obatan berhenti merokok
Dalam presentasi ini, para pembicara melaporkan hasil dari serangkaian tiga studi kohort berbasis populasi yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan dan efek farmakoterapi berhenti merokok. Yang pertama dari studi ini memberikan bukti tentang...
Hubungan Paparan Prenatal terhadap Minum dan Merokok Ibu dengan Risiko Lahir Mati
Pentingnya Merokok prenatal adalah faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi untuk lahir mati; Namun, kontribusi minum prenatal atau kombinasi merokok dan minum tidak pasti.
Tujuan : Untuk memeriksa apakah paparan prenatal...
Accreditation of Study Programs on Addictions in Nigerian Universities: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Need for Advocacy
Access to drug treatment services in Nigeria remains low due to a severe shortage in the drug treatment workforce. Plans are underway to address the workforce shortage by introducing drug addiction training programs in...
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Webinar Series
Various NPS have significantly changed the picture of drug use in different countries. They are now very prominent in the drug market. Indeed, many of these substances are intended to circumvent drug laws and are sold as ‘legal’...
Prevalensi penyakit mental serius komorbid dan gangguan penggunaan zat dalam populasi penjara: tinjauan sistematis dan meta-analisis
New Psychoactive Substances: Reading List
Modul pelatihan Proyek NEPTUNE
Dalam kemitraan dengan Royal College of Psychiatrists, Project NEPTUNE telah mengembangkan modul pelatihan untuk meningkatkan praktik klinis dalam pengelolaan bahaya yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan obat-obatan klub dan zat psikoaktif baru...
Guidance on the Clinical Management of Acute and Chronic Harms of Club Drugs and Novel Psychoactive Substances
This document provides guidance on the clinical management of harms resulting from acute intoxication and from the harmful and dependent use of club drugs and Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS).
This is an extensive and comprehensive...
Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances: What Clinicians Should Know about NPS
Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges that clinicians face when dealing with NPS and discusses how the profile of patients and their socio-demographic characteristics frame the...