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The ISSUP activities funded by the U.S. Department of State are temporarily suspended.
This website will remain live, but ISSUP is not currently monitoring or updating it. No new membership applications will be accepted or reviewed, no posts or comments will be possible, and members cannot login.
This information will be updated with any change in circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.


Serie de seminarios web del grupo de interés en neurociencia de ISAM

Shared by Edie -
Originally posted by Edie -

En la nueva serie de charlas mensuales de ISAM-NIG "Enamorados de la neurociencia de la adicción", neurocientíficos de la adicción de todo el mundo comparten sus historias/experiencias personales sobre la belleza de la neurociencia de la adicción y cómo/por qué han decidido invertir su vida...