Profile picture for user mohamedsamy740 Dr Mohamed Samy Younis Zarad The general organisation for teaching hospitals and institutes
Profile picture for user jaddrogue jason el hawat J.A.D (youth against drugs ) First oragnisation in middle east
Profile picture for user fatima.elkach Fatima El kach Marso European Monitoring Centre of Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
Profile picture for user omar.elshahawy Omar El Shahawy New York University Langone Grossman School of Medicine
Profile picture for user elmouhamady Almoataz Bellah Ali El-Mouhamady National Research centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
Profile picture for user 9612122010h heba elatrash Mamoura Hospital for memtal health & addiction therapy
Profile picture for user redolasol Radwa Elfeqi cairo University Hospital - Psychiatry Department - Kasr Al Ainy
Profile picture for user Dr.soheir_elghonemy Soheir ElGhonemy Okasha Institute of Psychiatry - Neuropsychiatry depart. - Ain Shams University