National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders diagnostics and treatment in Uzbekistan
On 25 March 2022 the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders’ diagnostics and treatment in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by...
Úloha kvalitativního výzkumu ve vědě o závislostech
Přednášející: Dr. Richard Pates, konzultant klinický psycholog, šéfredaktor, Journal of Substance Use
MUP a bezdomovci / pouliční pijáci a poskytovatelé služeb
Podívejte se na video z prezentace webináře SHAAP/SARN "Alcohol Occasionals", který se konal na Zoomu dne 31. března 2022: "Minimální jednotkové ceny (#MUP): Kvalitativní studie zkušeností konzumentů bez domova, pouličních pijáků a...
Drug use severity in adolescence affects substance use disorder risk in adulthood
Although more than 1 in every 3 US individuals will develop a substance use disorder in their lifetime, relatively little is known about the long-term patterns of substance use disorder symptoms from adolescence through adulthood.
...UNODC Trains Team of National Trainers from Central Asia within the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia supported a training of trainers (ToT) on Course 13 – “Contingency Management: A Reinforcement Based Treatment” and “Course 18 – “Clinical Supervision” which took place in person in Bishkek...
Differences in addiction and recovery gains according to gender – gender barriers and specific differences in overall strengths growth
The necessity of a gendered understanding of recovery is becoming increasingly evident. There have been reports of gender disparities in the character and amount of substance use, the paths to and through substance use...
Navigating intersecting public health crises: a qualitative study of people with opioid use disorders' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
The long-running opioid epidemic and the more recent COVID-19 pandemic are two interrelated events with major public health implications for people who use opioids (OUD). The majority of studies on the interaction of these two...
Zneužití neopioidního předpisu
Tato prezentace zkoumala kdo, jak a proč zneužívání neopioidních léků na předpis se zaměřením na antipsychotika, stimulanty a pregabalin.
Zatímco je známo mnoho o prevalenci a souvisejících škodách zneužívání opiátů a benzodiazepinů na...
Účinky léčby buprenorfinem s prodlouženým uvolňováním pro závislost na opioidech
V tomto webináři byla hlášena zjištění z kvalitativní studie CoLAB, jejímž cílem bylo prozkoumat četné sociální, materiální a časové účinky léčby buprenorfinového depa s prodlouženým uvolňováním (BUP-XR) v životech klientů mezi skupinou...
Reakce na použití anabolických androgenních steroidů
Tři mezinárodní odborníci diskutovali o anabolických androgenních steroidech - nezákonných nebo na předpis pouze léků, které jsou vyráběny tak, aby napodobovaly účinky mužského hormonu testosteronu a které jsou někdy užívány ke zvýšení...
Adfam Research Report: Families and friends negatively affected by gambling - Policy & Recommendations
Description: This report sets out Adfam's findings from a range of research activities including four specific gambling-related surveys, peer support training and round-table events.
It looks at the effects of gambling on families as...
COVID 19—impact on substance use treatment utilisation and provision in South Africa
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected persons suffering from substance use disorders (SUDs) all around the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the number of SUD treatment...
Join us at the COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS this week!
Dear friends and colleagues,
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is starting very soon! In fact, tomorrow, Monday, 14 March 2022.
Once again, all sessions, as well as the side events, are to be held online due to the pandemic. The good...
Observační prospektivní kohortová studie užívání naloxonu při předávkování, Kazachstán, Kyrgyzstán, Tádžikistán, Ukrajina
S cílem zjistit, zda účast v Úřadu OSN pro drogy a kriminalitu (UNODC) a Světové zdravotnické organizace (WHO) Stop Overdose Safely (S-O-S) take-home naloxon vzdělávací projekt v Kazachstánu, Kyrgyzstánu...
The relationship between craving and insular morphometry in regular cocaine users: Does sex matter?
While it has been suggested that cocaine use and relapse in women is more strongly related to stress-relief craving, whereas cocaine use in men is more strongly related to reward craving, the neural mechanisms that underlie...
Sex differences in acute cannabis effects revisited: Results from two randomized, controlled trials
Some evidence suggests that males and females may differ in their responses to acute cannabis effects, including subjective drug effects and behavioural effects, and cannabinoid pharmacokinetics. This is significant given...
Multimodal MRI data fusion reveals distinct structural, functional and neurochemical correlates of heavy cannabis use
Heavy cannabis use (HCU) is frequently associated with a plethora of cognitive, psychopathological and sensorimotor phenomena. Although HCU is frequent, specific patterns of abnormal brain structure and function underlying HCU...
Overcoming the pains of recovery: The management of negative recovery capital during addiction recovery pathways
Pains experienced as a result of negative recovery capital are often thought to stimulate motivations for positive behavioural change, usually through a ‘rock bottom’ type moment. Whilst recovery capital and barriers to...
Vylepšené štítky nádob na alkohol: Systematický přehled (Přehled zpráv)
Aby se zjistilo, jak mohou být štítky na nádoby na alkohol použity k budování povědomí veřejnosti, Kanadské centrum pro užívání návykových látek a závislost zadalo Enhanced Alcohol Container Labels: A Systematic Review a vypracovalo ...