The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on substance use: Implications for prevention and treatment
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought major challenges to healthcare systems and public health policies globally, as it requires novel treatment and prevention strategies to adapt for the impact of the pandemic. Individuals with...
Smoke-free Home Intervention in Scotland
When an individual smokes a cigarette (or roll-up, pipe or cigar), most of the smoke doesn't go into their lungs, it goes into the air around them where anyone nearby can breathe it in. This is known as second-hand smoke.
Infants and...
Applied Prevention Science International (APSI) - nadcházející kurzy
Vzdělávací centrum APSI pořádá řadu letních kurzů. Zjistěte více o akcích níže.
Preventivní intervence a politiky založené na důkazech: nové nástroje pro odborníky v oblasti prevence
24. září, 10:00 - 13:00 EDT
29. září, 3:00 PM -...
‘It’s everywhere’ – alcohol’s public face and private harm
The Alcohol Health Alliance UK (AHA) is supporting the Commission on Alcohol Harm: An Inquiry into the Effects of Alcohol on Society.
The Commission was established to examine the current evidence on alcohol harm, recent trends in...
Ceny EUSPR 2020
Nominace na ceny EUSPR za rok 2020 jsou nyní otevřené. Závěrečná data pro nominaci jsou ve středu 30. září ve 13 hodin britského času. Pro členy EUSPR je to významná příležitost ocenit jednotlivce, kteří významně přispěli k vědě o...
Scotland: NCD Prevention report
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and lung disease. These diseases are responsible for almost 34,000 deaths every year in Scotland - more than half of all deaths. There are currently, more...
IsSUP Libanon Zahájení a webinář: UNODC a WHO - Mezinárodní standardy pro prevenci užívání drog
Mind Matters Series
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has launched a redesigned series of booklets geared towards educating middle school students about substance use.
The Mind Matters series is a valued resource for tens of thousands of teachers...
WEBINAR | Relapse Prevention: A Step Towards Sustained Recovery
Plenary 6: Review and Reflections - A Panel Session
Plenární zasedání 2: Prevence založená na důkazech: politika a praxe
Plenary 1: Setting the Scene for Drug Demand Reduction in Africa
The Prevalence and Context of Alcohol Use among Youth Living in Uganda
There is extensive research highlighting the negative short term and long term impact of alcohol use.
Although there is a vast amount of research investigating alcohol use among youth in high-income countries; there is a lack of research...
Adolescentní vývoj mozku k přečtení
Prices, Alcohol Use Initiation and Heavy Episodic Drinking among Chilean Youth
Research suggests that early initiation of alcohol use is a risk factor for multiple problems later in life, including heavy episodic drinking and alcohol use disorders.
Prevention scientists are particularly interested in understanding...
What Influences Pre-teens to Drink Alcohol?
Research has shown there to be a link between heavy drinking in youth and increased risky behaviour and reduced educational effectiveness.
In order to understand the factors that are associated with binge drinking in adolescence and...
Mezinárodní den mládeže 2020
V roce 1999 byl 12. srpen vyhlášen Mezinárodním dnem mládeže.
Od té doby je tento den věnován oslavě a prosazování hlasů, akcí a iniciativ mladých lidí, jakož i jejich smysluplné, všeobecné a spravedlivé angažovanosti.
Téma 2020...
The Child Welfare Inequalities App
The CWIP App brings together around 16 different datasets at the local authority and neighbourhood level, with a range of features including being able to adjust for deprivation effects using the results from linear models calculated ‘on...
Model CADCA pro posílení komunit na celém světě s cílem předcházet užívání nelegálních drog v Brazílii a snižovat je
V tomto webináři nazvaném "Model CADCA pro posílení komunit na celém světě za účelem prevence a snížení užívání nelegálních drog v Brazílii" CADCA a partnerská nevládní organizace v Brazílii - Associação Pró Comunidade Comunidade Antidrogas...