1st International Congress on Social Vulnerability and Gender-Based Violence
We welcome you to the I Congrés Internacional sobre Vulnerabilitat Social i Violències Masclistes: «Transitam la incertesa.
Join as an individual or organization
Substance use issues affecting specific groups, considering their unique risk factors and needs.
We welcome you to the I Congrés Internacional sobre Vulnerabilitat Social i Violències Masclistes: «Transitam la incertesa.
VENUE: de Vooruit
14 May 10.00 am - 16 May 1.00 pm 2025
Conference themes include:
Time: 3:00-4:30pm Eastern Time
Online training - Parental Substance Use: Advanced Skills
Join our two-day training course, which focuses on recognising and responding to the impact that parental substance use can have on children and other family members and on understanding how to reduce the risk of harm.