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Partner Organisation
drug use disorders
treatment services

UNODC’s Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section presented on the Global Experience by UNODC, during the International Society of Addiction medicine (ISAM) Practice and Policy Interest Group Webinar Series on  COVID-19 and SUD

UNODC’s Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) presented on the Global Experience by UNODC, during the International Society of Addiction medicine (ISAM) Practice and Policy Interest Group Webinar Series on  COVID-19 and SUD: A Global Perspective on Challenges and Solutions​ at the 2nd Webinar held on Wednesday, Apr 15, 2020, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (ET), 1:00 - 3:00 PM (BST)​. 

UNODC thanked ISAM and highlighted the importance of their exchange platform, presented the increasing challenges faced by drug dependence treatment and care services during the COVID19 pandemic,  shared about existing and upcoming UNODC efforts to monitor the COVID-19 impact, and explained the UNODC suggestions on continuity and adaptation of drug use disorder treatment and care services during this COVID-19 pandemic. This document is available on the UNODC website in 12 languages.

Additional topics covered in the call hosted by ISAM, were the US Experience by NIDA, psychosocial interventions, alcohol, homelessness, poly-drug use, dual diagnosis, as well as the exchange of best practices.

For the full webinar, please see this link:

The next  webinar is to be held on May 7th Thursday​, 2020. Please register by sending an email to ISAM [dot] NIG [at] gmail [dot] com (ISAM[dot]NIG[at]gmail[dot]com) or ISAM [dot] PPIG [at] gmail [dot] com (ISAM[dot]PPIG[at]gmail[dot]com)