Scientific article
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South African National Drug Master Plan (2013-2017)- Social Work Evaluative Study
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South Africa
drug demand policy
South African SUD policy
national drug master plan

Exploring the Experiences of Social Service Providers regarding the Implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (2013-2017)

This research study entails an analysis and evaluation of the South African National Drug Master Plan for 2013-2017 through a Social Work perspective in the context of substance use disorder policy. It was done in fulfillment of requirements for a Masters Degree in Social Work with specialization in substance use disorders. The study attracted academic and practice interest as the Republic of South Africa are currently in a time of SUD policy reform and evolution. The country has a history of deeming its SUD problem as part of the social service cluster and not health services. In the context of the Republic of South Africa, there is a fundamental belief that SUD's are not a primary health problem. With the legalization of the private use of marijuana (canabis sativa) in 2019 in the country, the country has been moved to change schools of thought regarding SUD's and there has been some progress in terms of harm reduction and service integration. This research study assisted with robust discussion and ideas for policy reform in this respect.