Elements regulatory marijuana, to consideration for the effective protection of the health of the population

Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Santos-Burgoa, C. (2017). Elementos regulatorios sobre la marihuana, a consideración para la efectiva protección a la salud de la población. Salud Pública de México, 59(5, sep-oct), 592-600. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.21149/8503
Original Language


institutional development
drugs regulation
vulnerable populations

Elements regulatory marijuana, to consideration for the effective protection of the health of the population


When discussing the public health approach to the use of marijuana, the complexity of rigorous regulatory interventions for population protection is omitted. Using the experience of governments where these practices already exist, regulation is introduced as an essential public health function, spelling out seven purposes for controlling marijuana. The technical elements of institutional capacity - including the technical and financial capacity and of governance that must be covered by any rigorous regulation of its use are detailed below. The difficulty of regulating substances is addressed when considering the capacity to control other legal psychoactive substances manifested with their increased consumption. It is concluded that for an effective regulation of marijuana, the need for strengthening the institutional and governance aspects of the regulatory authority should not be minimized.


Speaking of approach of public health the use of marijuana is avoided the complexity of protection to the population through rigorous regulatory interventions. Considering the experience of Governments where these practices already exist, is introduced the regulation as an essential public health function, making explicit seven purposes for the control of the marijuana. Then detailed technical, institutional capacity (including the technical and financial capacity) and elements of governance that must be met for any rigorous regulation of their use. Notes the difficulty of regulating psychoactive substances whereas that control other currently legal capacity has resulted in increased consumption. Also exposed should not minimize the need for institution-building and governance of the regulatory authority for the effective regulation of marijuana.