Scientific article
Publication Date
Original Language


United Kingdom
foster care
substance use

Are Youngsters in Foster Care More Likely to Use Substances?

New research from Cardiff University has found:

  • Weekly smoking rates among 11 - 16-year-olds in foster care are almost 8 times higher when compared to those reported by youngsters of the same age who live with both their parents.
  • Weekly smoking rates among 11 - 16-year-olds in foster care are almost 4 times higher when compared to those reported by youngers of the same age who live with a single mother.

Dr Sara Long from Cardiff University explains:

“Young people living in foster care experience significantly worse outcomes than young people not in care […] Our research highlights a real need for the development and evaluation of interventions to improve wellbeing, and reduce substance use among young people in foster care.”

Click here to read the full news story on the ITV website.