A consistent advocate for the health, rights, and responsibilities of people and communities involved with the justice system.I advocate with state and federal lawmakers to promote sound criminal justice policies that address health needs and racial disparities among justice populations. Also, I provide consultation and training nationally and internationally on community-based addiction recovery, as well as restoring citizenship for people who have been involved in the justice system. Throughout my career,I have been instrumental in convening and presenting at a number of national and international conferences on issues related to criminal justice and addiction recovery.
I have held successive roles as health services unit supervisor, internal training coordinator, services development administrator, and director of community partnerships.In addition, I amco-chair of Illinois Congressman Danny K. Davis’ (7th Congressional District)Reentry Advisory Committee, certified as an HIV/AIDS trainer for the federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), and alcohol and drug abuse counsellor with the Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association (IAODAPCA).As anU.S.
Army veteran, I earned the National Defense Service Medal from the Honourable militaryservice, and in 2015 received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition presented by Illinois’7th Congressional District. I received an honorary PhD in urban studies from IPAE-Midwest Bible College in 2012 and serves as national director of social justice ministry for the International Pentecostal Assembly (IPA).On June 23, 2023, I was ordained as Apostle of Social Justice & UrbanMinistry by IPAE Fellowship Network. I am a member of the Global Recovery Network Working Group.