Bridging a Brighter Tomorrow: Youth-Led Drug Use Prevention Efforts in Latin-America and the Caribbean


1.Ms. Isabella Araujo (⚑ United States) 1

2.Dr. Dr Novia Carter (⚑ Bahamas) 2

3.Mrs. Drusilla Blinker (⚑ Suriname) 3

4.Ms. Indeira Thompson (⚑ Bahamas) 4

5.Ms. Miracle Turnquest (⚑ Bahamas) 4

6.Mr. Mandell Miller (⚑ Bahamas) 4

1. OAS/CICAD, 2. Bahamas National Drug Council, 3. Loving Hands Foundation, 4. Bahamas National Drug Council /SADD Chapters


The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), The Bahamas National Drug Council (BNDC) , and The Loving Hands Foundation in Suriname are committed to nurturing healthy, involved and committed young persons who embrace a life committed to creating substance-free communities. We will delve into youth-centric approaches that have proven successful in both The Bahamas and Suriname, emphasizing the need to tailor prevention efforts to diverse cultural and social contexts of differing Latin Caribbean countries.  Highlighting the significance of international partnerships, we will present successful cross-cultural collaborations and their impact on youth-led prevention initiatives.

Moreover, central to our presentation is a focus on a curriculum engaging youth in prevention, designed to empower and educate young individuals on the risks of substance abuse while respecting their autonomy and dignity. We will share concrete examples of educational programs embedded within this curriculum, highlighting how these initiatives have successfully engaged youth in meaningful ways; one of which being the Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D) Chapters. Statistical resiliency and attitudinal results from the pre-and-post tests of S.A.D.D students will be presented at this time.

This presentation will also address methodologies for measuring the impact of youth-led prevention programs, ensuring attendees leave with practical tools for assessment. Throughout the session, interactive workshops will encourage active engagement, allowing participants to contribute to discussions, share experiences, and collaborate on new ideas while respecting the diversity and inherent dignity of all individuals. Attendees will be equipped with the inspiration, tools, and comprehensive understanding needed to implement successful, human-centric, youth-led substance use prevention strategies in their respective countries. This presentation serves as a testament to the transformative power of youth engagement in creating lasting change while respecting and promoting human rights.