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Effect of an Instructor led “Healthy Minds” Intervention for Prevention of Mental Health and Substance Use Problems among Adolescents: A Pilot Testing in Pakistan


1.Prof. Salman Shazad (⚑ Pakistan) 1

2.Dr. Nasreen Begum (⚑ Pakistan) 2

3.Mr. Saif Uddin (⚑ Pakistan) 3

1. Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi, 2. University of Karachi, 3. Aga Khan Education Services, Pakistan



Mental health and substance use is a growing concern for mental health professionals in Pakistan (Shahzad, et al., 2019). Present randomized clinical trial tests the hypothesis that a “Healthy Minds” intervention can reduce the social and emotional problems and enhance their resilience, coping skills, and wellbeing among secondary school students in Pakistan.


A manualzed program with 14 weeks conducted from September to December, 2023, in Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral, Pakistan.We studied 400 secondary school students (male and female), using “Healthy Minds” and interventions for prevention of mental health and substance use problems. Before receiving intervention, all participants completed interviews and questionnaires assessing coping strategies (adaptive & maladaptive), cognitive emotion regulations strategies, anger, self-esteem, suicide proneness, depression and substance use. “Healthy Minds” intervention was implemented over the period of 14 weeks through classroom instructors/teachers, with one session per week for 3.2 months. The sessions included self-awareness, self-control, coping strategies, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation and substance use. Reassessment occurred after completion of the intervention (3.2 months).


As predicted students receiving the intervention showed significant reduction in anger issues, depression and risk for suicide proneness, and improvements in coping skills, self-esteem, self-control, and cognitive emotion regulation strategies (all P<.01), as compared to counterparts.


Results show a significant social and emotional effect after completion of “Healthy Minds” for adolescents from secondary schools. Scaled-up social and emotional learning integration of this intervention should be evaluated.

Keywords: Healthy minds, mental health, substance use prevention, adolescents