Police – Going Soft on drugs


1.Mr. Jason Kew (⚑ United Kingdom) 1

1. Centre for Justice Innovation & PTACC UK


The Policing of controlled and illicit drugs is a rapidly changing landscape, with a myriad of differing approaches and political ideologies.

One thing for certain though is that the ‘War on Drugs’ is over. The Policing world is adapting innovating and developing new policies to manage those occasions when officers find an individual in possession of an illicit drug.

So, how do Police turn a previously incriminating encounter into a positive health outcome? How does Policing respond to a changing culture from prosecutor to outreach diversion navigator?

There is a growing base of international evidence featuring Drug diversion and Deflection schemes.

Jason Kew is a former Detective Chief Inspector and has developed and implemented pre-arrest diversion schemes within the UK and abroad and will share his professional journey on how change is created from within Policing culture and opposing political ideology.