Drug-related harm reduction: a conceptual framework and a proposal for its teaching


Dr. Xavier Ferrer (⚑ Spain) 1

1. University of Barcelona


This presentation is intended to be a framework for the panel and will reflect on the concept of harm reduction (HR), what’s included and what not, and which rationale and values do support this approach. Our proposal is to think of HR as a part of prevention; more precisely prevention of many drug-related harms different from the mere use and the dependence. We will examine the landscape of the different harms suitable to be prevented or decreased, highlighting some relevant ones, apart from the most often considered prevention of overdose and of blood borne diseases. These can be the cases of drug use associated suicide, harm to intimate partners and children through abuse and neglect, drug related accidents and harm to the community, both in terms of criminality and insecurity feelings. Also harms to social inclusion, such as homelessness, and to the mental health of drug users, or harms to women and the developing human being during pregnancy and lactation.

The overall role of evaluation and evidence-gathering on these activities will be underlined. The presentation will also consider how to teach about harm reduction in universities. Building on the 35-year experience of the University of Barcelona on this subject, it is recommended to combine oral presentations, group discussions and to give the floor to related professionals (emergencies and infectious diseases, justice, social workers…) as well as to (former) drug users and its associations. Also, to include visits or placements with existing HR services of all kinds. The most common difficulties to include harm reduction within the university curricula will be discussed.