Video and audio recordings
Publication Date
Partner Organisation

Exploring Systems Change


Dr. Joy Osagiator Ariyo (⚑ Nigeria) 1

Dr. Bawo James (⚑ Nigeria) 2

1. Nigeria International Technology Transfer Centre (NigeriaITTC), Center for Addiction Studies, Education and Research (CASER), Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Benin City/Igbinedion University Okada, 2. Nigeria International Technology Transfer Centre (Nigeria ITTC), Center for Addiction Studies, Education and Research (CASER), Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Benin City/Igbinedion University Okada


This presentation will delve into the conceptual intricacies of systems change, employing the Water of Systems Change framework as a guiding model. We will begin by explaining the fundamental definition of a system and emphasizing the need to establish a "useful boundary" when delineating the scope of a system.

We will explore what we mean by systems change, distinguishing it from other forms of change. Central to the discussion will be the six conditions crucial for promoting effective systems change. The objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of these elements, fostering practical insights for application across diverse contexts.