Scientific article
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Rasool AE, Furlong T, Prasad AA. Microglia activity in the human basal ganglia is altered in alcohol use disorder and reversed with remission from alcohol. Addiction Biology. 2024; 29(2):e13374. doi:10.1111/adb.13374
Original Language


basal ganglia
alcohol use
alcohol use disorders
alcohol use disorder

Microglia activity in the human basal ganglia is altered in alcohol use disorder and reversed with remission from alcohol


Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is characterized by cycles of abuse, withdrawal, and relapse. Neuroadaptations in the basal ganglia are observed in AUD; specifically in the putamen, globus pallidus (GP), and ventral pallidum (VP). These regions are associated with habit formation, drug-seeking behaviors, and reward processing. While previous studies have shown the crucial role of glial cells in drug seeking, it remains unknown whether glial cells in the basal ganglia are altered in AUD. Glial cells in the putamen, GP, and VP were examined in human post-mortem tissue of AUD and alcohol remission cases. Immunohistochemistry was performed to analyze cell count, staining intensity, and morphology of microglia and astrocytes, using markers Iba-1 and GFAP. Morphological analysis revealed a significant decrease in microglia cell size and process retraction, indicating activation or a dystrophic microglia phenotype in individuals with AUD compared to controls. Microglia staining intensity was also higher in the GP and VP in AUD cases, whereas microglia staining intensity and cell size in remission cases were not different to control cases. In contrast, no astrocyte changes were observed in examined brain regions for both AUD and remission cases compared to controls. These results suggest alcohol exposure alters microglia, potentially contributing to dysfunctions in the basal ganglia that maintain addiction, and abstinence from alcohol may reverse microglia changes and associated dysfunctions. Overall, this study further characterizes AUD neuropathology and implicates microglia in the putamen, GP, and VP as a potential target for therapy.