Scientific article
Published by / Citation
López-Muciño, L. A., García-Torres, I. A., Acosta-Hernández, M. E., & García-García, F. (2022). ¿ Cómo influye la falta de sueño sobre la conducta adictiva?. Revista Médica de la Universidad Veracruzana, 21(1), 57-66.
Original Language


consumo de sustancias
falta de sueño

How does lack of sleep influence addictive behavior?



In his Tractatus Theológico-Politicus, Baruch Spinoza wrote that "it is a universal law of human nature that no one rejects what he considers good except for the hope of a greater good or the fear of a great loss, and that no one endures any evil except to avoid a greater evil or obtain a great good." In other words, for Spinoza there were two fundamental forces that directed human behavior: the pursuit of rewards and the evasion of punishment.

In the neurosciences, a reward can be defined as that stimulus that translates into feelings of pleasure, excitement and joy; It is the main component of incentive-based learning and the performance of directed and consumatory behaviors. Historically, rewards have allowed humans to survive by retaining those behaviors that make it easier to obtain food, water, companionship, sex, and offspring. However, at the same time they have influenced the development of harmful behaviors such as compulsion and substance abuse.