Dr. (Mrs. ) P.N. Amarabandu is the Chairperson of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB) of Sri Lanka and is the Chief Executive Officer of the institution which is the principal national institution and the National Focal point for prevention and control of drug abuse in Sri Lanka. Dr. Amarabandu holds Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degrees, D. Path and Doctor of Medicine(Histopathology) degrees. Dr. Amarabandu is a Consultant Pathologist by Profession working in the National Cancer Institute, Sri Lanka and served as the Head of and member of various committees of Technical Advisory, Accreditation, Exam Boards and National Strategic planning and serve as a Council Member of Sri Lanka College of Pathologists, Member of Focal Team (Diagnostic service in cancer care), for the imPACT review2019o(World Health Organization IAEA – PACT core ) to address cancer control while engaging with other international organizations. Dr. Amarabandu is a Postgraduate Lecturer, a trainer, supervisor and an assessor of postgraduate trainees. Dr. Amarabandu has engaged in various research projects and especially on breast carcinoma in Sydney South West Area Health Services (SSWAH), Australia and has publications as authors and Co-authors. Holding the leadership position of the NDDCB with exclusive responsibility for formulation of Sri Lanka National Policy for Prevention and Control of Drug abuse, making recommendations to the Minister, coordinating and providing effective leadership to all National agencies engaged in drug prevention and control in Sri Lanka with the technical expertise, Dr. Amarabandu has been taken accelerated actions to establish sustainable, multidisciplinary, coordinated, balanced and scientific evidence based drug control strategy in the country with increased international cooperation. Being appointed as the Chairperson, Dr. Amarabandu has taken many initiatives to uplift the NDDCB being a great source of inspiration.