Approach to the health situation of adolescents and young people linked to the Criminal Responsibility System

Published by / Citation
Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia
Original Language


salud pública
atención primaria de salud
atención de salud no especializada
Atención Primaria
Servicios de Atención
Intervención con adolescentes infractores de ley
Intervención con adolescentes que han infringido la ley
consumo de sustancias en adolescentes
salud mental
Tratamiento de Adicciones
Salud Mental y Adicciones
substance abuse
substance-related disorders
psychoactive substances
youth and drugs
youth substance use
youth justice

Approach to the health situation of adolescents and young people linked to the Criminal Responsibility System

portada documento

Technical document of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, is built from an approach to the international evidence on health of adolescents and young people linked to judicial systems; recognizes the national evidence of the situation and the comprehensive approach to health, the main barriers identified for health care by 2021 and issues  recommendations to improve the management by the different actors of the General Social Security System in Health and local articulation aimed at guaranteeing the right to health of adolescents and young people in conflict with the law.