Situation in Spain of Gender Violence and Substance Abuse

Published by / Citation
Ministerio de Sanidad. Secretaría de Estado de Sanidad. Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas
Original Language


violencia de género
consumo de sustancias
consumo de sustancias en mujeres

Situation in Spain of Gender Violence and Substance Abuse

Authors:  Ms. Patricia Martínez-Redondo and Dª. Elisabete Arostegui Santamaria

Edit and distribute:  Ministry of Health. Secretary of State for Health. Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs

Year of edition: 2021

The content of this publication has been developed within the framework of the Agreement between the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs (Ministry of Health) and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP)

  The present study is part of the field of documentary research. It declares the presence of a systematization of existing productions, or at least those found in a rigorous search, on a specific theme. The starting point for preparing this document is to access the texts related to the proposed topic to read, review and analyze and, sometimes, reflect textually the required information depending on the selected analytical categories. In this sense, the design of the research is based, in essence, on identifying these categories of analysis for the approach of the unit of study; categories that are two in this case: female addiction or what the DSM-5 currently calls "Substance use/use disorders" that develop, in this case, women, on the one hand, and gender violence on the other  page 7 [.....]


Martínez-Redondo, P. and Arostegui Santamaría, E. Situation in Spain of gender violence and substance abuse. Review of the evidence and proposals for the joint approach to gender-based violence and substance abuse in care services. Madrid: Ministry of Health. Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs; 2021. 167 p.