Scientific article
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Gakunju KCAC III, R.M. & Murimi KCAC III, G., (2015). Certification of addiction professionals in Africa: an overview of the process in Kenya. International Journal of Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders. 1(3-4), pp.153–163. DOI:
Original Language


substance use disorders
UNODC world drug reports

Certification of Addiction Professionals in Africa: An Overview of the Process in Kenya


This paper focuses on Kenya’s course of action to address the drug problem, specifically, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). Treatment and rehabilitation of persons with SUDs was formally initiated in Kenya in 1978 and has grown since early 2000. Kenya national strategy on prevention, control and mitigation of drug and substance abuse in 2009 highlighted the essence of provision of quality, comprehensive and holistic care programmes to drug users and their immediate families. According to the 2009 - 2014 National Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA’s) strategic plan, there was a need to improve the overall legal framework on treatment of SUDs. Thus certification process and National Standards were established so that practices are consistent with international guidelines of services offered by treatment providers. To improve treatment and rehabilitation, one must ensure that the people who work in drug addiction related matters in Kenya are not only trained but also licensed to practice based on their level of education, training and supervised experience. This paper outlines the training, examination and certification of Kenyan service providers to provide standard and quality services to treat and rehabilitate SUDs.

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