UNODC helps protect front-line staff at HIV treatment and prevention facilities in Uzbekistan during COVID-19

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Partner Organisation
drug treatment
HIV prevention

UNODC helps protect front-line staff at HIV treatment and prevention facilities in Uzbekistan during COVID-19

As covid-19 becomes the "new reality" and the number of positive cases, although not as high as the last, we must remain vigilant, especially when it comes to those who are most vulnerable to possible negative consequences.

The statement we can hear on any flight on an airplane is: "In case of danger, first put the mask on your own, then put it on the child." The purpose of this statement is that without protecting yourself in the first place, you will not be able to help those who need it most. The same principle applies to drafting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Those whose job it is to help the most vulnerable groups in their needs must first be protected.

In November 2020, UNODC provided the UNAIDS National Aids Protection Centre (SIS) with a total value of $5,000. The transferred personal protective equipment included antiseptic fluids, medical masks, gloves, respirators, disposable protective suits and protective masks.

Individual protective items were also provided to the Drug Enforcement Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan with support from the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Drug Control and Enforcement (INL), totalling $5,000 for faster distribution to the following institutions: Tashkent City Regional Drug Dispensary, Tashkent Regional Drug Dispensary , Djizak Regional Drug Dispensary, Samarkand Regional Drug Dispensary, Syrdarinsky Regional Drug Dispensary, Syrdarinsky Regional Drug Dispensary,

These articles were provided at the request of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republican AIDS Centre as part of UNODC's support for the national response to COVID-19 in Uzbekistan.

Nargiza Kenjaeva of the Samarcande Regional Medicines Dispensary shared the following message of thanks: "At this difficult time globally, when all medical services lack personal protection, UNODC's Central Asia Regional Office has reached out and unselfish support for Uzbekistan's health system. Donations have helped protect and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in a timely manner among vulnerable groups, such as patients treated in a drug hospital and pharmaceutical health workers. The Samarkand Health Authority and the Medicines Clinic sincerely thank the UNODC Regional Office for their continued support and assistance during such a difficult period with the wishes of well-being, development and health.

Adham Ropijanov, of the Djizak Regional Medicines Dispensary, said: "The disposable hygiene items provided to us by the UNODC Regional Office in Central Asia provided a great deal of assistance during the pandemic. These products have helped to strengthen the protection of medical personnel and improve the effectiveness of preventing the spread of coronavirus infection.

This support for the national response to COVID-19 in Uzbekistan was provided under the sub-programme 3 "Prevention and Treatment of Addiction, Reintegration and Prevention of HIV" by UNODC's 2015-2020 Programme for Prevention, Treatment and Health Effects, with support from UNODC's Department of Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Central Asia in Uzbekistan is working closely with drug treatment agencies and the Republican AIDS Centre to ensure access to health services for drug addicts and people living with HIV.