I choose Life over drinking alcohol

Harmful use of alcohol is an avoidable risk factor for many diseases and social problems.

Alcohol is estimated to cause about 3.7% of all deaths; with 2.3 million premature deaths, and 4.4% of the global burden of disease. In addition,harmful use of alcohol is associated with several adverse social consequences, such as crimes, violence, unemployment, and absenteeism.

Recently, the negative impact of alcohol use in young people and women across the world is of increasing concern.

As a young person I choose to SAY NO to alcohol and YES to Life



You too can choose to SAY NO to alcohol

We call upon the Government to pass the National Alcohol control Policy.

Drinking Alcohol does not Protect you from COVID-19 but increases the risk of violence and injury.


#UYDEL #BYC #ugandayouthdevelopmentlink

video Credit UYDEL Banda Youth Center-Media Class